Sunday, 19 June 2011

God Bless

I had a good nights sleep and so did Ellie, I was awake before her at 7am. Tim the district nurse came this morning, he is so gentle, thank goodness. Lesley has volunteered to clean the summer house before work tomorrow, which will be a great help. The deacon, Peter gave communion to Dee and I,so it felt like church today. Dee cooked roast lamb and all the trimmings for Edith, Sue and herself. I was good, I had my feed first then some gravy so I felt included. It smelt delicious and they did ask me if I was ok for a Sunday roast to be cooked. Edith made one of her famous apple sponges, with cream and custard. Its amazes me how the brain adjusts as each new thing comes along. When I was first diagnosed I remember quite clearly saying I would never cope if I lost my voice, but I have and so have the people around me. (Although it is fair to say that some are considerably better than others at lip reading.)The other big adjustment is not being tempted with food that I can't eat. No chance for Sue to have a NARPO nap this afternoon as her other half, Andy came to erect the marquee, which once erected turned out to be a gazebo instead, so don't forget your brollies. I feel very lethargic today. Dee and I were talking and she asked if I could feel the weakness. Well it is like I have a certain amount of energy and once it is used up for the day then that's it , there is no adrenaline reserve to call on.
On recommendation I have downloaded a new book, The Help so will start that today although I am bound to nod off. I'm no company
these days. There is very little positive about MND but through it I have met so many very special people who I could have missed if life had been different. God bless them all.

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