Monday, 18 July 2011

Pain in the neck

Tim, DN came after we had left a message as he was unaware that he was meant to call today. Lesley came and massaged Penny's neck for her and will ring tomorrow to see how she is. I am very grateful to her and hope she doesn't mind me using and abusing her skills. Sue has left for home, so back to the bed pans (Sue can lift me onto the commode chair, it's not always pretty but effective). By asking to be transferred to the commode chair means I get a cuddle from my friends as an added bonus. :-)
I have called my book, Dare to come close, as the people around me that are supporting me and making such a difference are in my eyes very brave people indeed. There will be a time when MND will win the war. Having seen a very good friend of mine pass away with cancer, I know only too well that, even when expected it doesn't reduce the pain any, and so I publicly thank you all. Not going anywhere just yet though as I have a book to write! And to be a pain in the neck for a while longer.
End on a lighter note, given that Penny insists we try her food all the time, I made her sample a Sharon fruit. She wasn't keen to as never even heard of one of the oldest fruits in the world. Converted, Penny liked it. I was introduced to Sharon fruit at Flint House.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good chat up line 'come on love give us a lift onto the commode and we can have a cuddle!
