Thursday, 28 July 2011

My mouth is still as sore, OK the ulcers have gone down so feel better in myself but my mouth feels like I have had a very hot potato in it and burnt my tongue. Oraldine mouth wash does give relief for a while but I can only have that three times a day.
Penny got up to the toilet at 6.50am and I was already awake wanting to do the same thing so I had to call her down. The hot water bottle had leaked at the bottom of the bed again. She did breakfast and medication for me and went back to bed for a couple of hours.
Steve A was my knight in shining armour again as he came to take me for my afternoon wee and a rinse of oraldine, he gave me some yoghurt to try and cool the mouth down a bit and sorted out the gas and electricity meter readings for me. I did let him walk in, sit down and take at least two sips of his cuppa before the list of jobs came flooding out.
Ellie, needed a brush today after rolling in her lit tray (empty of any deposits, thankfully) and had managed to get yoghurt all over one side of her face, ele'gant she is not. She is very funny with the white mouse, she knows where it is kept and goes and fetches it when she feels like a game.

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