Wednesday, 27 July 2011

The Light Bulb Moment

Margaret, my mother in law, had a hip operation and was confined to the house while she recovered. I popped in, in the morning on my way to work when she told me about a bulb that had blown in the living room. The other 5 bulbs in the room were working fine. Just after lunch, I get a message at work, that Margaret has called to remind me of the light bulb. After work I got home and changed out of my uniform when Margaret calls to make sure I am coming to do the light bulb. It was still light outside and I couldn't understand the fixation of having the light bulb changed. I had every intention of doing the job for her and walked down to her house, where the light bulb had grown into a major issue. I couldn't understand the urgency. Now it is fair to say that not only do I understand but I am also very guilty of such behaviour as I have time to myself to think of jobs I would have normally just got on with, but now I have to wait until someone who can do that job comes, consequently I literally pounce on the unsuspecting visitor for them to fix, change, move or whatever, and I have waited maybe 3 days so want it done now as it has become a big issue in my life. I don't even wait for the visitor to sit, have a chat and a drink and will happily do the job before they leave. If I am having a light bulb moment please tell me. I wanted the power lead changed to my laptop and was getting very anxious about it because I wanted to see if the power lead or my beloved laptop had ceased working, Steve A was the knight in shining armour that time. Sue changed the bathroom bulb for me today.

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