Thursday, 21 July 2011

I was too tired, sorry. I had a good morning at hospice, having been helped by Mary, the creative therapist, to start the poppy picture for Edith. I also remembered the ice pops for my two friends, Pat and Nigel. In the afternoon, Mr Paul West, Chief Constable of West Mercia Constabulary (I know it has been changed to Police but I was in when it was Constabulary) visited and I was very pleased to see him to. He has been the longest serving Chief at WMC and covered a great deal of my service. In my opinion he is a great leader and kept West Mercia on a very steady course and maintained that family feel to the force. He was introduced to Penny as he is hopefully off to India. It turns out it is the very same area known to Penny as her brother lives there. We got the rough guide to the area, where to visit, what to buy and eat.
I never had much to do with the previous Chief, Mr Peter Hampson. Mr David Blakey was the Chief before that and was also a safe pair of hands and I joined the cadets when Mr Bob Cozens was Chief. He bought me an orange juice in the bar at Bramshill (the Police Staff College). Being only 17 at the time, I didn't dare take the offer of a drink to be anything other than a soft drink. Good days. I am as sharp as ever with my memory, one area MND has no control over.
Ellie was up at 4:30 this morning wanting to play, midday and she is asleep now! Sue's toes were being attacked until Sue started to chase Ellie, she's remarkably quick on three legs (Ellie that is, obviously). I think it might have to be a film this afternoon as Sue and I are both peppered.

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