Saturday, 4 June 2011

Get well soon Mark

Dog tired, pooped in fact. Had quite a full week and very grateful for the quiet morning as I managed to have a good sleep.  I had Oat milk with added vitamins and calcium today through the PEG.  It's better than feed, (although I wouldn't want to have that debate with my dietician) it sits better on my tummy.  I am determined to put pencil to canvas today and at least start my next project, even if it is just an outline. Penny picked me the flower to copy.  I'm reading a good book, 'You've gone too far this time, sir'. I downloaded it free from Kindle onto my iPad and have really enjoyed it.  It's about a teacher who cycles from London to India. We have just left Russia and crossed the border in to China. I am so pleased with the iPad, still need to read the manual, which I have at least downloaded. My friends Fiona and Carli came this afternoon and entertained me with what they are up to. They brought Zak the dog, it's fair to say that a certain miss Ellie was none to pleased to see an over grown fur ball in HER garden. Thankfully they soon settled. Oops Fiona rolled into the garage door, hopefully it will be fine. Ooh smoked salmon and cottage cheese tonight, absolutely loaded with calcium.

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