Saturday, 4 June 2011

The gloves are off

Lovely warm summers day. We were both awake at 3am as very hot so Penny made me a cup of tea. Nurse Nikki came just after ten carrying a yellow sharps bucket, which can mean only one thing, blood test. Clearly I'm getting a little stingy with giving blood as two attempts one in each arm produced nothing. I declined a third attempt knowing I still had an injection in the bottom to go. Time for a bit of scrabble before lunch and then my mum, dad, aunty Linda and David coming over this afternoon. The summer house beckons. Penny going out this afternoon so mum and dad in charge.  Must show you this, Sarah my school friend from Hagley RC High school and me in a photo booth in our Harrington jackets, probably during school hours.
We were told by the deputy headmistress that we would be factory fodder. Sarah became a nurse, midwife and then a teacher at a local college and doing very well and I went in the police (an unexpected move but Mr Hill the headmaster was very kind on my application form) and made Inspector, so in the end we turned out OK.

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