Sunday, 5 February 2012

Bedford sue

Sue and I have been mates since we were five years old, which is a considerable length of time. Sue took Ellie for a walk outside in the snow, this morning...there was a lot of paw shaking, which was quite funny to watch, and penny built me a snowman. Why does snow bring out the kid in us all? It didn't take Ellie long to work out that if you stand on the rim of a pot it takes your paws out of that wet cold and white stuff. It's great to see the pattern of just three paws. But I think she likes it as it is exploring and Ellie is the noseyist cat I know.
My friends Carole and Trevor couldn't come today because of the weather. Sue did my morning care. Rented a film on apple tv last night, I was unable to stay awake to the end so will catch up this morning. I'm such a shandy light weight. I slept during the day as well. The rugby was exciting to watch. Ipswich won again 3-2 I'm so pleased we have got back a winning streak.

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