Thursday, 2 June 2011

Flint House

Josie popped in, first thing and told me the story of MacBeth, I have never read any Shakespeare. Gail came up Sunday and seeing Angeline today, both nurses from Flint House. I have had second to none care at the Police Rehab and convalescent home. All the staff there, gardeners, restaurant,reception, nursing and physiotherapy all pull together to make a calm. peaceful atmosphere to aid recovery or recuperation. An amazing place originating from Christian roots. I don't have the words to express my gratitude to them all. Angeline bought me a couple of books to read, one being a real favourite of mine, Eddie Askew. He was a great water colour artist and interprets the bible into everyday life.
Steve popped in and showed a video clip of baby Mae, who is now crawling and standing up at 9 months.  She really is gorgeous.
Does Penny fit into a rabbit hutch? Well given she was on all fours inside the hutch and she still couldn't persuade Ellie to come out of the deepest recess, the answer has to be no Penny doesn't fit, but highly amusing to watch! Ellie remains outside.
Wind is a problem, it gets trapped. Tonight was a close one. Penny was giving me my feed bolus through the PEG and had nearly filled the syringe when wind started to escape from my tummy into the tube, it kept frothing just like an exploding volcano and fortunately stopped in the nick of time. It may seem strange but a bit of Pepsi (or any fizzy pop) helps a great deal to get the wind moving. It's that uncomfortable one doesn't care in which direction so long as it moves.

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