Tuesday, 16 August 2011


What a start to the day, feed delivery, special delivery, dentist rang, district nurse came,window cleaners and all before 10:30. At least I'm all done and ready for a visit by Fe and her two daughters, Grace and Molly, at 11. Meds arrived. Oh what a visit that was. It was like we had never been apart, so much to catch up on. I laughed that much I needed oxygen. Fe bought me some lovely flowers and great memories. I'm so pleased she came and will call again. I am always conscious that I might be scary to youngsters but Fe had prepared them well and they were completely unphased. They went with Penny to see Ellie in her rabbit hutch. I learnt a new word today,'pippy',meaning the passing of wind and it wasn't me.
Saw Steve and Edith came this afternoon. The mower went, very pleased. Was quite exciting watching the flurry of biding.

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