Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Juliet bravo

Who remembers that series? I remember it being on the television and was about a woman inspector in charge of a rural station, quite an unusual event back then. It ran from 1980 -1985. I heard a song on the radio that reminded of the signature tune, amazing what is stored in the memory.
Ellie has a new friend. A black and White cat with three legs, rear right leg missing. An unusual looking cat with white whiskers and eye brows, but very friendly. The other Ellie came today, the chiropodist.
The senior district nurse came this morning and has sorted me out. Hopefully I will have the medication today and my mouth starts to feel better. It's not thrush and doctor felt it was a vitamin or iron deficiency. Nope after texting the nurses, apparently there was a mix up on the prescription and the hospice doctor will prescribe tomorrow. Happy days.

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