Saturday, 27 August 2011

iTunes and Liveprofile

Penny now registered and set up with iTunes and music sync with her iPod, a good mornings work. I think her cd/dvd player on her laptop is on its way out though. This afternoon I will be mainly, napping, blogging and maybe a bit on the book.
I am trying to encourage my mum to sign up for liveprofile on her laptop so we can chat.
Following the live commentary for the game, Ipswich v Leeds.
Edith on duty, doing hot water bottles for me and playing catch the carrot with Ellie.
Bob reminded me yesterday that we are 4 months away from Christmas. I am pleased I have taken the pressure off myself this year by not getting presents. I might buy a goat or something instead from World Share.
What has been a real treat is the new contacts I have had from people. Thank you so much, great to hear how people are getting on.

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