Sunday, 31 July 2011


Penny now has a sore mouth...oops. Ellie having her teeth brushed with meat flavoured tooth paste for cats. Sue arrived with more emergency rations, sore throat lozengers, tonic vitamins and minerals and egg White powder. No quilt today or hot water bottles to make shiver temperature away, thank you Dn Liz for that suggestion, I have had quite a cold day but I do feel lots better though and ready for country file.

Rest in perfect peace

Lost an MND friend yesterday. Prayers and thoughts with his family.

Friday, 29 July 2011

Heart Beat

I am working on the next chapter of the book, called Heart Beat, recounting my time as a rural beat officer. I hope to publish sometime next week.
The Dn, Liz came today and much to Penny's amusement, likened Ellies naughty behaviour to it's owner. Being naughty is one thing but as naughty as Ellie! I don't think so. Bless her though she wanted to play with her remote control mouse so climbed the chair my dad was sat on, not minding where she put her feet and jumped up onto the shelf where mouse is kept, she tried to steady herself with her front right paw, but on the account she doesn't have one she fell off the shelf, unhurt thankfully but a tad embarrassed.
Talking of embarrassed, my mum and dad looked at my school reports. For my dad, some for the very first time, given that mum hid the very bad ones. My only saving grace was that my reports as bad as they were, they were better than my brothers. I think the best quote is, Jacky can produce some very good work, I just don't get to see much of it.
I am waiting for tablets to arrive from the pharmacy. I have asked Penny to increase my feed intake. I need to get shot of this sore mouth.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

My mouth is still as sore, OK the ulcers have gone down so feel better in myself but my mouth feels like I have had a very hot potato in it and burnt my tongue. Oraldine mouth wash does give relief for a while but I can only have that three times a day.
Penny got up to the toilet at 6.50am and I was already awake wanting to do the same thing so I had to call her down. The hot water bottle had leaked at the bottom of the bed again. She did breakfast and medication for me and went back to bed for a couple of hours.
Steve A was my knight in shining armour again as he came to take me for my afternoon wee and a rinse of oraldine, he gave me some yoghurt to try and cool the mouth down a bit and sorted out the gas and electricity meter readings for me. I did let him walk in, sit down and take at least two sips of his cuppa before the list of jobs came flooding out.
Ellie, needed a brush today after rolling in her lit tray (empty of any deposits, thankfully) and had managed to get yoghurt all over one side of her face, ele'gant she is not. She is very funny with the white mouse, she knows where it is kept and goes and fetches it when she feels like a game.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

The Light Bulb Moment

Margaret, my mother in law, had a hip operation and was confined to the house while she recovered. I popped in, in the morning on my way to work when she told me about a bulb that had blown in the living room. The other 5 bulbs in the room were working fine. Just after lunch, I get a message at work, that Margaret has called to remind me of the light bulb. After work I got home and changed out of my uniform when Margaret calls to make sure I am coming to do the light bulb. It was still light outside and I couldn't understand the fixation of having the light bulb changed. I had every intention of doing the job for her and walked down to her house, where the light bulb had grown into a major issue. I couldn't understand the urgency. Now it is fair to say that not only do I understand but I am also very guilty of such behaviour as I have time to myself to think of jobs I would have normally just got on with, but now I have to wait until someone who can do that job comes, consequently I literally pounce on the unsuspecting visitor for them to fix, change, move or whatever, and I have waited maybe 3 days so want it done now as it has become a big issue in my life. I don't even wait for the visitor to sit, have a chat and a drink and will happily do the job before they leave. If I am having a light bulb moment please tell me. I wanted the power lead changed to my laptop and was getting very anxious about it because I wanted to see if the power lead or my beloved laptop had ceased working, Steve A was the knight in shining armour that time. Sue changed the bathroom bulb for me today.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Doctor came yesterday. I'm lucky I have a very competent GP who is easy to get along with. I respect her and trust her with my care. I'm having some supplements to help me along the way. I saw Wendy yesterday as well, always guaranteed to raise a smile.
Penny had an review with her line manager this morning. All went well with the hoisting and happy for it to remain a one person operation.
Had Sue, Lesley and Edith all on a shopping errand for me today to get a hamper together for Margaret for her birthday on Thursday. I had inspiration for a Peoples Friend magazine to put in.
Had a right laugh with, Sue, Penny and Lesley. The other week, Sue came with some new shoes that I took a fancy to and no longer did Sue own a pair of powder blue shoes. And she had some lovely coloured pens which are now sitting in my goody box. Poor Lesley again came in for some stick about her Scott Walker tape, no regrets! You have been warned, with not going shopping anyone who arrives with anything new is in danger of losing the shirt off their back. I even managed to blag an apron yesterday from mother in law for Penny. Being a lovely evening, Sue and I took the hamper down to her, she was very pleased with it.
Tomorrow Penny has an NVQ assessor coming. I will hopefully get outside for some vitamin D. X

Monday, 25 July 2011

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Not so good today

I woke up this morning still with a sore Tongue and feeling quite chilly. Had medication and breakfast and went back to sleep. I woke midday. Penny being very industrious today with bed bath, ironing and vacuuming. I don't share her enthusiasm, I just want to get warm. I will see how I feel later but this might be it for today. Xx

Friday, 22 July 2011

Christmas 155 days left

Ellie put on a show of her party tricks with the remote controlled mouse for my mum and dad as a thank you for her new name plate on her home. My mum made me a small semolina pudding and it went down very nicely. I will have that again please.
My tongue is a bit sore today, like I have had something too hot in my mouth. I'm sure it will pass and it's just today's little irritation. The other little irritation is still out in her hutch talking to the neighbours cat, Trump.
I have had a long think and given my ability to go shopping has diminished to almost not at all I have decided I am not going to get any Christmas presents this year. I started this time last year but was able to travel much further. I'm not being bah humbug but realistic of the effort I put in last year which I can not repeat this year, sorry. I hope you all understand and don't mind too much. I am thinking of putting on a pamper afternoon sometime in November to say thank you if I can get the therapists together. I will keep you updated. x

Thursday, 21 July 2011

I was too tired, sorry. I had a good morning at hospice, having been helped by Mary, the creative therapist, to start the poppy picture for Edith. I also remembered the ice pops for my two friends, Pat and Nigel. In the afternoon, Mr Paul West, Chief Constable of West Mercia Constabulary (I know it has been changed to Police but I was in when it was Constabulary) visited and I was very pleased to see him to. He has been the longest serving Chief at WMC and covered a great deal of my service. In my opinion he is a great leader and kept West Mercia on a very steady course and maintained that family feel to the force. He was introduced to Penny as he is hopefully off to India. It turns out it is the very same area known to Penny as her brother lives there. We got the rough guide to the area, where to visit, what to buy and eat.
I never had much to do with the previous Chief, Mr Peter Hampson. Mr David Blakey was the Chief before that and was also a safe pair of hands and I joined the cadets when Mr Bob Cozens was Chief. He bought me an orange juice in the bar at Bramshill (the Police Staff College). Being only 17 at the time, I didn't dare take the offer of a drink to be anything other than a soft drink. Good days. I am as sharp as ever with my memory, one area MND has no control over.
Ellie was up at 4:30 this morning wanting to play, midday and she is asleep now! Sue's toes were being attacked until Sue started to chase Ellie, she's remarkably quick on three legs (Ellie that is, obviously). I think it might have to be a film this afternoon as Sue and I are both peppered.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Soft pudding

Umm had a right weepy on me yesterday evening. I take enough meds to stop a grizzly bear feeling depressed! I just get wobbles of...what? insecurity I think. Put the piano by the sea CD on and that helped to relax me.
I did have something very good happen yesterday afternoon though, a gorgeous 7 week old puppy came to visit for a bit of pet therapy. She licked me all over my face, but no worries because Ellie came in later and licked it all off again. I have attached a photo of the first extra face wash of the day.

Thank you Angela and Amelia.

Something very good happened this morning too. The MNDA gave me a cheque covering the full cost of the speech programme loaded on my iPad, Thank you Wendy and Thank you Worcester branch of MNDA. I know a lot of my colleagues and friends have generously raised funds for MNDA and I can assure you the money goes to making a real difference to people living with MND, from all of us a big thank you to you.

At hospice tomorrow so there may not be a blog, I will be absolutely fine just tired.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Pain in the neck

Tim, DN came after we had left a message as he was unaware that he was meant to call today. Lesley came and massaged Penny's neck for her and will ring tomorrow to see how she is. I am very grateful to her and hope she doesn't mind me using and abusing her skills. Sue has left for home, so back to the bed pans (Sue can lift me onto the commode chair, it's not always pretty but effective). By asking to be transferred to the commode chair means I get a cuddle from my friends as an added bonus. :-)
I have called my book, Dare to come close, as the people around me that are supporting me and making such a difference are in my eyes very brave people indeed. There will be a time when MND will win the war. Having seen a very good friend of mine pass away with cancer, I know only too well that, even when expected it doesn't reduce the pain any, and so I publicly thank you all. Not going anywhere just yet though as I have a book to write! And to be a pain in the neck for a while longer.
End on a lighter note, given that Penny insists we try her food all the time, I made her sample a Sharon fruit. She wasn't keen to as never even heard of one of the oldest fruits in the world. Converted, Penny liked it. I was introduced to Sharon fruit at Flint House.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Sunday again already

Where does a week go? No district nurse (DN) turned up today but did ring at 5 to apologise, mistakes happen and I can wait until tomorrow. I declined the offer of anywhere between 6 and midnight tonight with the twilight nurses.
Sue did some ironing for me as Penny's cricked neck has come back again.
Paul came and gave me communion. He also popped back later with a load of veg for Penny. Thank you Paul.
Mum and dad came with my cousin Helen. Good to hear about Helen's new job, best wishes for your first day.
Ellie Belly, who eats practically anything on offer, or more annoyingly anything not on offer but on someone's plate, has actually lost weight. She has a new lease of life since the remote controlled white mouse came to live here and is great entertainment all round. Ellie belly still not mastered the treat ball which is surprising given that it contains food.
Sue and Penny having a Chinese take away tonight. I am having prawn curry with a side of bean sprouts and shrimp fried rice...OK with a great deal of imagination that's what I am having, actually it is feed and soya milk. I feel suitably stuffed anyway. Peppermint cordial is working an absolute treat, thank you DN Louise for that tip.

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Research in my memories box

Oh dear, oh dear me, I have found my old school reports. Sue R is playing up Ellie with her remote control mouse.
The sunflower in my garden, thank you B

A very rare photo of Sue and I in dresses. It took another wedding, my own to get us back into a dress.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Poppies for Penny

My poppy painting. I have three requests for paintings so will need to put my inspiration cap on.
Lesley babysat yesterday afternoon, doing the afternoon wee run for me. She also used her magic on Penny's cricked neck, the exercises, stretching and massage cured Penny's neck by the very next morning, quite impressive for a guru in knees.
I did get up for a shower today after a lazy day yesterday.
Had a quiet morning as mum and dad coming this afternoon, I haven't told them but there are a couple of gardening jobs need doing, alas not watering, have you seen the weather forecast for the weekend? And my mate Sue from Bedford is coming up to stay. We can have another laugh at Sue's photo's from the eighties. Did we really dress like that? Apparently so, and the hair!
I gave my orchids to my mum as they were not getting sufficient love and attention that they require and I just couldn't watch them wither. Progress report, all three orchids are doing well and have flower stems on them.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Bleeding PEG

I'm not swearing, honestly, the PEG is bleeding today and I had a bed bath so didn't pull it in the hoist sling, it is just a blumming nuisance but also a bit of a life saver so I shouldn't grumble at it too much.
Josie brought some really lovely chrysanthinums (no idea how to spell it though), real fiery colours.
Steve brought provisions, including tip tops (150 of them from the cash and carry) If I remember I might take some to hospice with me to see if Pat and Nigel can manage them to wet their mouthS a bit. We are all different and what is manageable for one could be impossible for another. I have lost all the coke ones to the coke drinking queen, Penny. She has a crick in her neck after de-stoning and peeling the plums yesterday. I need to try and get Penny a marrow as there is a vegetable from India that has the same texture and flavour as a marrow but a marrow is a dam sight easier to obtain. So if any of my 'good life' friends have an abundance of marrow crop I can make use of one.
My latest painting completed.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011


Thank you Daphne and Flint House for the flowers, a lovely surprise. Ellie has two new toys. One from Lesley a ball that holds treats and as yet Ellie has not worked out how to get the treats out. The second from Penny, a remote controlled mouse, which has her running about. Hours of fun. Sue came today having had a very successful forage for damson plums, which purée down very well indeed and may well assist me with my problem. Discovered a new trick, mix feed with oat milk, which has the benefit of added calcium and more calories and somehow more palatable with the feed not being so rich and thick. Thats all xxx I forgot to mention when Sat naff Sue and I went to tesco express. A car stopped and asked sat naff Sue for directions, to be fair this is one person I would never take directions from, but the couple knew no different. After sat naff Sue had told them the wrong information I used sign language to explain and the lady in the car understood me perfectly, really boosted me for the day, simple things.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011


Today I have been reading the Times magazine from the weekend and will unashamedly quote from an article that eloquently expresses the very same feelings I have.
"One of the remarkable things about my new life is discovering the quality of stillness. Like most people, I used to be permanently in a rush, busy on the hamster wheel, oblivious to so much that was going on around me. But when you fall off that wheel, suddenly everything changes." "In the stillness you find a whole new world of colour and shape, of nuance, detail and meaning." "and it is astonishing how much more of the natural world you see". Looking out of my patio window I have frequent visitors, the house sparrows who are bringing up their young, the two pigeons that come for food and water. the bees nest in my compost bin that have been left undisturbed and Trump, the neighbours cat that calls on Ellie. Slow lane pastimes are the norm, listening to friends, a little bit of art work and of course my book. I am not worried whether it is read or not but I get such a cathartic release by doing it. Looking back I have had a good life, with many fond memories of people I have met and places I have been. I continue to meet inspirational people, those that dare to come close, hence the name of my book. Serious today but I am not distracted with trapped wind, I might laugh but it really is very painful.

Monday, 11 July 2011


The National Association for Retired Police Officers. I am a member, although earlier than I had intended. Last year I went to the pensioner's garden party and had a wonderful time. I sat on a table with Mrs Brannan the retired force supplies seamstress and Dessie who had taken me out on attachment to the rural beats when I was a probationer at Redditch.
Maggie, the NARPO secretary has kindly posted details of my blog on the cheerful earful email that notifies us of the passing of colleagues, up and coming social events and employment opportunities. What is great, is that an ex colleague has made contact which brought back lots of fond memories, thanks Trevor.
Lesley came yesterday evening bearing lots of goodies but had left the car windows and sunroof open. Then the heavens opened...I an guessing she sat on a carrier bag today as the seat was very wet indeed. We watched Songs of Praise together, from Pershore Abbey. Lesley watched it as her friend Nel was there and we saw her a few times from all different angles.
Belinda bought me a sunflower the other which has now been potted up and thriving. It is like Kew gardens out there. Jo popping in to water the garden and I can return her ramekins, which did contain butter scotch and double whipped cream, but alas not for long, a real treat.
Alison popped in lunchtime and I was very pleased to see her, not least I needed a wee and she had ice cream with her(Penny was asleep after Ellie kept her up last night).
T popped in and she is BORED with being on restricted duties due to a knee injury sustained at work.

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Suitable for Sunday

I was like a baby last night with trapped wind. I tried sucking a mint but nothing happened. Penny and I tried different positions and lifted my legs up and towards my body, but to no avail. We tried coke down the tube which elicited a little burp. We went for the coke with a slug of brandy and more repositioning and eventually I managed to fart, oh what a relief.

Two Horses

Just up the road from my home is a field, with two horses in it.

From a distance, each horse looks like any other horse.
But if you stop your car, or are walking by, you will notice something quite amazing....

Looking into the eyes of one horse will disclose that he is blind.
His owner has chosen not to have him put down, but has made a good home for him.

This alone is amazing.

If you stand nearby and listen, you will hear the sound of a bell.
Looking around for the source of the sound, you will see that it comes from the smaller horse in the field.

Attached to the horse's halter is a small bell.
It lets the blind friend know where the other horse is, so he can follow.

As you stand and watch these two friends,
You'll see that the horse with the bell is always checking on the blind horse,
And that the blind horse will listen for the bell and then slowly walk
To where the other horse is,
Trusting that he will not be led astray.

When the horse with the bell returns
To the shelter of the barn each evening,
It stops occasionally and looks back,
Making sure that the blind friend isn't too far behind to hear the bell.

Like the owners of these two horses,
God does not throw us away just because we are not perfect
Or because we have problems or challenges.

He watches over us and even brings others into our lives
To help us when we are in need..

Sometimes we are the blind horse
Being guided by the little ringing bell of those who God places in our lives.

Other times we are the guide horse, helping others to find their way....

Good friends are like that...
You may not always see them, but you know they are always there..

Please listen for my bell and I'll listen for yours.

And remember...

Be kinder than necessary-
Everyone you meet is fighting
Some kind of battle.

Live simply,
Love generously,
Care deeply,
Speak kindly.......

And leave the rest to God!


Saturday, 9 July 2011

Euro Winner

Had a punt on the euro millions. Penny got two numbers and won £2.80 but that was our lot.
Was a very quiet morning, had medication and breakfast at 8:30 then fell fast asleep through to 12. Had a shower and dinner ready for my visitors this afternoon. I saw my sunflower painting framed which did do a lot for it, unfortunately it wasn't one of my best. I have a new canvas out ready for my next project as and when I feel inspired. I can lose myself when drawing or painting and it amazes me how time flies past. I couldn't draw a straight line with a ruler before, but painting just for fun, lifts that inhibition somehow. And of course Frans', encouragement and assistance has helped no end.
Bob (the Renault Kangoo) has had to go off to be looked at as he is showing a spanner sign. He should be OK and back on Tuesday. No point worrying, as that is like being on a rocking horse, you go backwards and forwards but ultimately it doesn't get anywhere.

Friday, 8 July 2011

All change

There is a new sister in charge of the DNs so expecting some changes, new broom and all that. I met Corin this morning and she appears to be very pleasant and efficient. Corin took my file to organise it as it did look to be in a bit of a pickle.
Mum and dad came and looked at the carers bedroom window which has some how dropped so won't shut properly.
I really must be more switched on. Penny handed me a piece of orange stuff and said try this. I still like to tastes things even if I have no intention of chewing and swallowing it. I put it my mouth, there was just the slightest hint of not very nice cheese, it felt like a piece of plastic in my mouth and not a very pleasant smell. I handed it back. Oh says Penny, "is it no good?" "What is it supposed to be Penny?", I ask, "Soya milk processed cheese slices". Even Ellie would not entertain it. I supposed she tried it on me as Sue is wise to her tricks now, after the prawn head incident. My mum likes all this soya and quorn stuff, so gave it to her to try. "Maybe cooked on toast with lashings of tomato sauce you might just be able to eat it. If not give it to the dog", was my parting suggestion.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

In my opinion!

Josie came first thing and updated me on family and work. I did something I try to resist and that was give Josie my own personal opinion. I might just have to let Josie borrow my pecker for a bit.
Beautiful day, Sue and I went out for lunch, only to Morrison's in Bromsgrove. I shall have a good rest this afternoon. Once home I had oxygen with a paracetamol chaser to clear the head ache that was brewing.
I have got Sue taking photographs of photographs so I can add them to my book.
The air bed motor was driving me to distraction as it rattled in its casing and woke me at night. Bodgit and Scarper were on the case and fixed it with two heavy hardback books and a elasticated bungee. Are there no bounds to our ingenuity?
I am reading The Help which is the biggest book I have ever tackled (fortunately it is on the iPad so I don't have to hold it) but thoroughly enjoying the read.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Ellie, no

Ellie is back to her old self and positively terrorised Edith and her toes this morning. I shouldn't laugh but I can't help myself, watching an 80 year old doing the hop, skip and jump. I went to hospice and brought my poppy painting back for Penny and finished my Jacob Blue for Tina. At hospice we were back to our usual gang, Pat, Nigel and me, all with MND and in wheelchairs. Pat has had a torrid time just recently. We are a good support for each other. We all looked quite well today, which was good to see. I had my hands massaged with lavender cream, lovely.
Sue picked me up lunchtime and took me home for a sleep (assisted by a large slug of brandy in my coffee). Not sure anything sensible or coherent going to come out of me now.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011


Tired today, worked hard with Belinda on my book, which has been taken off the blog for a bit while I am refining the chapters already done. I am trying to add more detail and emotion making it less like a police report and more of an informative narrative, old habits die hard.

Ellie and Penny both went to their beds at two. Steve and Julie popped by with baby Mae, who was fast asleep this afternoon. Talking of fast asleep, it's 6.40 and still no sound from Penny, nor Ellie, both out for the count. Thankfully Belinda was here and did toileting, gave me my tea and evening meal (rice milk and actimel) and some paracetamol for a headache so I am all settled and comfortable and ready for a sleep myself. xx

Monday, 4 July 2011


Ellie is fine but just to be on the safe side she is on a course of antibiotics. She is quite sleepy so it could be the weather or maybe she has picked something up. She is out in her run now for some fresh air. In all fairness Penny got the tablet down after an initial resistance by Ellie.
Wendy came and we had a laugh at the fact that her mobile wasn't charging up, well not whilst plugged into the ear phones it didn't. She did expertly stick some healan tape on to my PEG though.
Ooh ooh, so pleased. I bit the bullet and updated the apps on the ipod and it is all working terrifically.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

My nan wore an apron

I received this email and it reminded me of my nan and want to share it with you. God Bless Nan.
Remember making an apron in Home Ec? Remember Home Ec? If we have to explain "Home Ec" you may ignore this, it'll probably mean nothing to you.

The History of 'APRONS'

I don't think our kids know what an apron is.
The principal use of Grandma's apron was to protect the dress underneath because she only had a few and because it was easier to wash aprons than dresses and aprons required less material. But along with that, it served as a potholder for removing hot pans from the oven.

It was wonderful for drying children's tears, and on occasion was even used
for cleaning out dirty ears.
From the chicken coop, the apron was used for carrying eggs, fussy chicks, and sometimes half-hatched eggs to be finished in the warming oven.
When company came, those aprons were ideal hiding places for shy kids.
And when the weather was cold, Grandma wrapped it around her arms.

Those big old aprons wiped many a perspiring brow, bent over the hot wood stove.

Chips and kindling wood were brought into the kitchen in that apron.
From the garden, it carried all sorts of vegetables.
After the peas had been shelled, it carried out the hulls.

In the autumn, the apron was used to bring in apples that had fallen from the trees.
When unexpected company drove up the road, it was surprising how much furniture that old apron could dust in a matter of seconds.
When dinner was ready, Grandma walked out onto the porch, waved her apron, and the men folk knew it was time to come in from the fields to dinner.

It will be a long time before someone invents something that will replace that 'old-time apron' that served so many purposes.
Send this to those who would know (and love) the story about Grandma's aprons.
Grandma used to set her hot baked apple pies on the window sill to cool. Her granddaughters set theirs on the window sill to thaw.

They would go crazy now trying to figure out how many germs were on that apron.
I don't think I ever caught anything from an apron - but love...

'Elf and Safety

Crash, bang whallop was my early morning wake up call at 6:27am. I called Penny as I could hear she was up. Apparently she knocked the fan off the bedside table. It made me jump out of my skin. I spent a penny and tried to go back to sleep. Penny complained of back ache yesterday and put some deep heat on it today. She thinks she has pulled a muscle on the right hand side of her lower back. I have suggested hoisting for the toilet or rolling me onto the bed pan so neither of us has to struggle.
Louise, the nurse, who is lovely and very gentle has tried the healan tape again today on my naughty PEG, having spoken to the rep. The healan tape sticks by itself and doesn't need a waterproof dressing. Penny is not allowed to apply any dressings and it needs to be changed at least every other day. So Penny will cut it to size and hand it to me to physically stick it on the granulation...'elf and Safety rules!
When I joined the Police we had a 'can do' attitude, but that was before we tied ourselves up in knots with Health and Safety legislation and became so risk adverse at one point. This is obviously my very own personal opinion and does not reflect the views of the police service in general. I'm sounding like a right dinosaur and like many before me who thought the job was better when they first joined.
On a much lighter note, two good friends I was expecting called in. We had been in email contact and I was told to keep my pecker up. I replied, I would but not entirely sure I had a pecker. Well today I can confirm I am now the owner of a pecker (thanks Mark).
It's available to view if you come round.
Jo came this afternoon and we watched the Tennis final together. Jo kindly did toileting, tea and watered the pots for me. Ready for an early night xxx

Saturday, 2 July 2011


Today I fell in love, with young grey haired man. He is gorgeous. We had a play about to get to know each other. He covered me in kisses. We had a lovely cuddle and he fell fast asleep on my bed. Meet Charlie who belongs to Beth.

He is obviously having a good dream.

Ellie is still my number one girl though.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Pinch punch...JULY

Woke up feeling good today. Penny asked me what I feared. I fear how I might die but not of dying as I know I will go to heaven. 'We are a cheerful earful this morning', I said. Penny fears being in pain. I suppose that is one good thing about MND it is generally not painful (leg cramps are though but we all have them). Sadly it is painful for those to watch someone slowly deteriorate with the disease.
My second chapter of the book is now published. Thank you all for the kind comments about the book.
Julie H popped by this morning, it was good to see her and be able to ask after David. He was my Inspector when I was a probationer constable at Redditch. I have every respect for him, he was a great boss and one I wanted to emulate.
After fitting my BT Infinity (just thought, Infinity, goes on for ever, bit like me, still here and still smiling) my television didn't work, but sparky Steve A popped in and fixed it for me by plugging the aerial back in! Goes to show how much TV I watch as I had only noticed this morning when I put it on for the weather. Mum and dad arrived, in work clothes to tackle the tool shed. I asked if they could do one more job. They looked at me quizzically and repeated what they thought they had heard, 'one pork chop?