Tuesday, 3 January 2012

That's better

I watched my DVD put together by friends at work. It made me smile quite a lot. Dave singing, stories of stinky brussels and articles from the parish magazine, the rules of chocolate struck a cord, seeing chiefs of past and present, alladins play and so much more, thank you all.
I got my laptop back yesterday working again. That was today's positive, which also meant I saw my good friend Sue. Sue normally takes me to hospice but has a funeral to go to this Wednesday. Marion has kindly agreed to pick me up with hospice transport. I will have to behave for a whole day, and without Sue being there to lead me astray I have a fighting chance. She will kill me when she reads this, but it's true, individually we are lovely people, but together...
Got my microwave slippers on my feet, toastie. The rain and wind is lashing against the patio doors and reminds me of being snuggled up in a warm sleeping bag out camping somewhere in Wales (in the rain, naturally). I loved the rain lashing down when I was warm and dry inside my tent.
Today's positive has to be my friend Angeline is coming to visit next week.
A negative is that friends who had planned to come are poorly and have had to cancel, get well soon.

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