Wednesday, 21 December 2011

A little bit naughty but it's Christmas

Well for once it wasn't Ellie but me in disgrace. Seeing as it is Christmas I decided to have a little alcoholic drink at hospice. The drinks trolley comes round just before lunch. Tube was attached, volunteer kindly poured the brandy in. I then nudged her arm for a bit more...oh deary me, it went straight to my head, good job I didn't have to stand up! Decision was made to leave before I embarrassed sue and or myself. I think I got away with it. Absolutely true I was stuttering and slurring my words using the iPad. Quite pleased with myself actually for getting into the spirit. It was good to see nigel. But the day was tinged with sadness of the passing of one of our hospice characters, rest in peace Eve.
To end on a lighter note a true Penny story.
District nurse comes to do what she has to do and told us about her sixteen year old cat called Tim. He has been diagnosed as being senile. Nurse leaves and penny and I are in the wet room. Penny says, the nurses cat can't have kittens. I give a quizicle look given that the cats name is Tim, penny insisted, "yes, the nurse said he was barren, senile." I couldn't help but laugh, You mean sterile, senile is losing your marbles. Reminds me when penny was asking me about golden trout. I've never heard of it penny. Do you mean rainbow trout, oh yes that's what I meant. Never a dull moment.

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