The ceiling has been replaced and is drying out. The decorators should come on Monday and that will be a good job jobbed. I have not been blogging mainly because the site keeps on crashing.
There have been no more disasters thankfully. I have been busy with visitors which has been great.
Ellie had a good couple of nights with Lesley, whilst I was at hospice. I thought Lesley very brave to put up her tree with miss Ellie in residence, her motto is, oh Christmas tree oh Christmas tree, all your ornaments are history. Every year helping hands send out a poinsettia for Christmas and every year Ellie eats it. They might not this year with everyone tightening their belts. I've done no Christmas food shopping, so no good coming here for a minced pie just yet. I have ordered a trifle from Marks and Sparks but that's it.
I'm feeling a bit grotty today, tomorrow will be better.